Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A little Hangout with Besties

Well, about two days ago, My friends and I have decided to hang out a little around the town. We ended up at Somerset and the rain was pouring. We rushed to find shelters and were a little soaked. Thank goodness we brought umbrella. We took a seep of Honey Green tea to freshen up. Then we went to a cafe to play X box. Wow! it was so fun! we danced and danced, and danced!!! It was so much fun but tiring too!! After the game, we wrote new year wishes on a inflatable ball  that will be floating in Marina Bay Sands. I guess there will be millions of them by the end of the year. Well it was awesome!


children playin' in a -3 degree ball in a mall

Honey green tea, my favorite!

Rainy day

shopped at H&M

my friends writin' wishes

inflatable wish ball

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